About Lazarus Learning LLC

About Michelle Arentz

Hi, I’m Michelle Arentz, a Workforce Development Consultant and owner of Lazarus Learning. I help leaders of scaling startups avoid costly common talent mistakes as they grow, and leaders of recent M&As successfully navigate the integration of the people brought together in that process.

My Mission

In the simplest terms, I’m here to help others be and do better, because when we have better businesses, we have a better world too. I love continuous improvement; putting tools in peoples’ toolboxes and helping them learn to use them is a passion of mine. I especially enjoy supporting leaders of businesses who otherwise haven’t had the benefits of talent strategy and workforce development in their organization, because these de-risks so many aspects of their business while driving better results.

My Background

I have 20+ years of experience in Learning & Development, with degrees in Communication Studies and Education. I’ve created and delivered countless workshops, workforce development programs, competency maps, managerial skills curricula, onboarding programs, and strategic talent initiatives. I’ve worked with groups as diverse as high school students to executive leadership teams (guess which one was more challenging).

As an entrepreneur, I have great empathy for leaders of new businesses who want to make the most of their big dreams. Having been on both sides of the M&A coin, I know how it feels to go through that process and the impact that kind of change has on everyone involved.

I’m uniquely positioned to fill the gaps between HR and Executive coaching. I’m like brunch - not quite breakfast, not quite lunch.

  • I am not an HR pro who writes a job description for you. I’m the person who ensures that your hiring managers know how to conduct a solid interview, select the right candidate, onboard them, then coach and engage them for peak performance.

  • I am not a Coach who untaps your leadership potential. I’m the person who will help your ideas and expectations get fulfilled by ensuring you have employees capable of executing on them.

My Core Values

I approach my work with the following:

  • Authenticity: I keep it real with genuine interactions - even when it means telling some hard truths. BS belongs in a barnyard, not in our business relationship!

  • Creativity: I love connecting the dots, figuring out solutions and absolutely have a continuous improvement mindset. Sticking with the status quo never got anyone ahead in life.

  • Learning: Acquiring new skills and knowledge takes effort. I advocate for everyone to treat learning as the integral part of our jobs that it actually is. Would you trust anyone doing what I do who didn’t have a love of learning?

  • Growth: Companies grow and flourish when the people in them are also growing and flourishing. Helping you and your employees to be their best now and in the future is critical to your success.

My Clients

I want to work with leaders of scaling startups and recent M&As who recognize the value and importance of investing in their people to drive better business results. They’ve probably fled a corporate life that left them fed up, and they don’t want to repeat the same mistakes that drove them out the door. Or they’re realizing that while things looked great on paper, in practice, bringing together people from different companies isn’t as easy as just putting them on the same payroll, benefits and vacation schedules.

I especially love working with leaders who are growth and change-minded, employee-centric, tired of the status quo, and willing to be open and honest in pursuit of improving their leadership and business outcomes.

I am industry agnostic (people are people no matter what the products or services are), excluding hospitality and retail. Most of my work can be done either virtually or in-person.

My Vision

I’d love to live in a world full of workplaces where people actually want to work because they're set up to succeed and thrive. Fostering that - one leader, one company at a time - is a driving passion for me. I know what it’s like to work in places where this isn’t the case, and it pains me to know so many people in so many organizations suffer needlessly.

Case Studies

Read my case studies to see how I provide actionable workforce development insights for my clients.

What are we waiting for?!

If you’re a leader of a scaling startup who wants “Preventive Medicine” to avoid common talent pitfalls, or you’re a leader navigating a recent M&A and would like to have “Transplant Success” in your integration, let’s talk!

I’d be happy to connect and discuss how I can help you reach your goals with greater speed and ease.

Book a free consultation with me now and let’s get you on the path to a healthier bottom line.

Public Speaking

Michelle is available for speaking engagements with audiences interested in leadership development, attraction & retention, culture, and talent strategy as well as guesting on podcasts and panels focused on similar topics.

Learn more about Michelle’s public speaking opportunities.

Submit an Interest Form to learn more about booking Michelle for your next event, or contact her via email: advance@lazaruslearning.com

Listen and learn

Want to improve your leadership skills? Interested in getting insights into business and stewarding your organization? Check out Michelle’s podcast, Nuggets with Sauce, where she and her guests explore a wide range of timely topics in the business world. It’s bite-sized wisdom you can really sink your teeth into!

  • Michelle understands the art and science of human performance improvement, relates well with organizational leadership and is a partner in problem solving and solution development.

    Mitch B. - Business Development Director

  • You bring such energy and passion to your workshops and webinars with us. you're truly an extension of our team.

    Simran K. - Business Partner, Talent Development

  • Thanks so much for being a trusted and valued partner. We couldn't do this without you!"

    Eric P. - Workforce & Professional Development Manager

  • I appreciate how much you "get us" and are a trusted partner on so many projects for our team. the positive impact your work has in our organization is evident, and a big part of why we keep asking you back to do more.

    Erin D. - Director of Talent Management

  • One of the standout projects Michelle led for us was the PI project. This was a truly innovative approach that I hadn't encountered before. The insights gained from this have provided me with greater self-awareness and helped identify our blind spots. It has inspired me to start thinking about how we can make our team more cohesive and successful.

    Lei M. - Project Team Manager

Ready to feel better about your business?

In case you’re wondering about the name…

The name "Lazarus" isn't about religion. It's a nod to a resurrection story because I've felt that too often, workforce development either is dead (because it's not happening) or made people wish they were dead (because it's poorly done).

Let's grab the paddles and resuscitate your workforce performance.

Certifications, Partnerships, Memberships and Affiliations

“Companies that prioritize employee development report median revenue of $169,100 per employee, while those that don't only achieve $82,800 per employee.

— SH!FT E-Learning